1, freedom 自由
9, beauty 美
7, integrity 正直
3, creative 想像力のある
2, power 力、能力
6, group 集団
4, unique 独特な
5, individual 個々の
10, independent 独立した
8, compromise 妥協
9. I think I want to many people to show our blog.
11. 1 All railroad company's train fare be free!
2 Medical expenses going to be free next Sanday.
3 Government gives pocket money to over 15 years old under 20years old.
12. My theme is funny news in the world.
2 http://www.excite.co.jp/News/odd/00081192014283.html
Who: シュコアさん What: 宇宙で初めてラマダンを祝うこと Where:宇宙で
When: October 10th,2007
4 1.宇宙でも宗教のお祝いをして熱心な信者だと思ったから。人類が宇宙へ移住する頃宗教はどうなるのか気になった。
2. Yes. 宗教はどこでも行えるものだと思った。
3. Yuzuki Unose was stabbed by a man When she arrived outside the front door of her house Tuesday evening. The hospital that she was carry was confirm her death.
1 件のコメント:
11-2 is a good one!