
December 7th, 2007

Story:The ege of legendary heroes. Beowulf who the best noble sodier repulsed detestable “devil” who named Grendel. Grendel hits the town where Beowulf lives. Therefore, Beowulf arouse Grendel's mother's anger (who cruel and fascinating)and develop an all-out battle.

2.The golden compass (Japanese)
Story: A eleven years old girl, Lyra Belaqua lives parallel world look like our world. One day, her best friend was kidnapped by someone. To save him, she adventure with her daemon.
3. 1, What or who is Beowulf?
Beowulf is hero. "Beowulf" is one of the oldest English literature.
2,What is this movie based on?
It is based on "Beowulf" which is epic poetry.
3, When and where was Old English spoken?
It was spoken in parts of what are now England and Southern Scotland between the mid-5th century and the 12th century.]
4, What does old English look like?
top of this page.
6, What is the story of Beowulf? Who are the main characters? Where and When does it take place?
Please look at 1,1 (story). Main character is Beowulf. It takes kingdom of Denmark the 8th century and the 9th century.
7, What happens to Beowulf at the end of the poem?
Beowulf died and his subodinates bury him and all his treasure.
8, Who is the director? Robert Zemeckis. What other movie has he directed? He has directed "Contact" and "The Polar Express" Have you seen any of them? I have seen "Contact" it is very interesting.
9, Who are the main actors in this movie? Ray Winstone, Angelina Jolie.I have seen Mr &Mrs. Smith. I like very much!
10,What is “The Golden compass”based on?
It is based on “Nothern Lights”
11, Who wrote the original story? When?
Philip Pullman wrote in 1995.
12, What is the story?
Please look at 2,2.
Main characters are Lyra Belaqua, Lord asriel and Mrs coulter.
Where and when does it take place?
It takes Oxford.
13, Top of this page.
14, There are 39 colleges.
15, Who is the director?
Chris Weitz. He directed “About a boy”I haven't seen it.
16, Dakota Blue Richards and Nicole kidman.
1, Nicole kidman. She has been in “Cold Mountain”I haven't seen it.
17, 作品への評価と批判
1995年に、第1部『黄金の羅針盤』が、カーネギー・メダルを受賞。また2007年には同賞の70周年を記念した過去受賞作の中の最高傑作を一般からのオンライン投票で選定する企画で1位となり、「Carnegie of Carnegie」に選定された。2001年には第3部『琥珀の望遠鏡』がウィットブレッド賞の児童文学部門賞と大賞を受賞している。児童文学部門賞受賞作が大賞に選ばれたのは、この作品が史上初である。


From Wikipedia.

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