
December 14th, 2007

3,1. Amnesty International actives as international humanrights association which research about human rights abuse, independent politics suggestion and citizen's power as volunteer.
4,1. About Ikhtior Khamroev in Japanese
About Ikhtior Khamroev in EnglishI can find 2 news.
3.1, We don't watch the news which about Ikhtior Khamroev on TV and newspaper.
2, I think Uzbekistan government didn't make use violence on Ikhtior Khamroev public, because it has risk lose the government's popularty.
4. I can find 1 news. イクティオル・カムロブさんの父であるバクティオル・カムロブさんの人権活動に対する制裁行為としてイクティオル・カムロブさんに暴力をふるったり、罪を犯したわけでもないのに逮捕し拘禁されている。
5. What's Thanksgiving?

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